Living Arrows | Rain Does Not Stop Play

What The Redhead Said Living Arrows UK Parenting Blog Link Up Khalil Gibran Quote

'You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth' Khalil Gibran.  

It's been 3 months since my last Living Arrows post and I can't quite believe the difference in Iris. She seems to have grown so much both physically and mentally. She's no longer a baby and is now a fully fledged toddler. She's learning to speak with such ease and clarity it really does amaze me. My favourite words this week have been dinosaur and mammoth. Like most people the weather has kept us indoors this last week so we've been doing a lot of indoor play and I've discovered some amazing play accounts on Instagram

Living Arrows | Freedom

Living Arrows | Freedom What The Redhead Said Living Arrows UK Parenting Blog Link Up Khalil Gibran Quote

'You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth' Khalil Gibran

When it comes to children I think freedom can be a confusing thing. Does too much freedom create unruly children? Does too little create timid children afraid to reach out? I don't have the answer but I know that throughout my childhood my mother managed to achieve a near perfect balance of freedom.

Living Arrows | Blood Isn't Always Thicker Than Water

What The Redhead Said Living Arrows UK Parenting Blog Link Up Khalil Gibran Quote

'You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth' Khalil Gibran.

This is Iris with my mum and my mum's husband. He's been in our lives for about 7 years now. I was an adult when he entered my life and because of that I feel like I can't refer to him as 'my dad' but in all the ways a girl could need her dad this man has stepped up. He's been there for me through thick and thin. He's held my hand throughout a fair few mental health challenges, he's listened, he's talked and he's understood but most importantly he has embraced my daughter with a love that goes beyond the boundaries of 'mum's husband'. He's her Papa...he's our Papa and we'd be lost without him.

Living Arrows | Fun With Ben and Holly

Living Arrows | Fun With Ben and Holly What The Redhead Said Living Arrows UK Parenting Blog Link Up Khalil Gibran Quote

Fun with Ben and Holly? An interesting title considering the look on Iris's face. She doesn't exactly look like she's having fun! This is one of my favourite ever pictures of my daughter purely because her grandparents had been telling me for weeks how much she enjoys 'the ride outside Iceland' and when I finally got round to seeing it myself this is what I was met with.

Living Arrows | There's A Toddler On The Loose!

What The Redhead Said Living Arrows UK Parenting Blog Link Up Khalid Gilbran Quote

'You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth' Khalil Gibran. 

Back to blogging and back to our favourite post, our weekly Living Arrows photograph. A link up sharing a snap shot of life as a child and what better celebration of childhood than a family party where you get to put on your best party dress, your fancy new shoes and you get to strut (and I mean strut!) your stuff on the dancefloor.

How To Write New Year's Resolutions

How To Write New Year Resolutions autistic and pregnant autistic mum life sharing pregnancy and parenting experiences from the autism spectrum

There is a simple answer to this. Don't write them. I never, ever write New Year resolutions in January. Why? Because it's a brand new year and with that comes a sense of a fresh start, a chance to start again, a chance to change, be different, be better. Some would argue that is the perfect time to start again but in the flurry of all that newness and excitement I get carried away and set goals bigger than I can achieve.

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