Living Arrows | To Be Beside The Seaside

Girl smiling and laughing whilst on a fairground ride at the British seaside town Skegness

'You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth' Khalil Gibran.

We missed last week's Living Arrows post as we're all just a little frazzled. The relaxing of Covid rules has been wonderful but not without it's challenges. As someone with Autism, all change is disruptive, even if it's good change. I think I hit burn out last week. I couldn't focus on anything, I was a shouty mum and a bit of a rubbish partner. I just shut down for a while and entered survival mode.

#BWBR May 2021

Blog Button Advertising a book blogger link up. It is a square featuring an sketched drawing of an open book. Surrounding text reads #BWBR Books We've Been Reading

Reading has always been a big part of our family life. I read so much as a child and my daughter appears to be following in my footsteps. Each month we aim to share the Books We've Been Reading and I thought it might be nice to have a nosey through the books that others have enjoyed. As a reader I'm always on the hunt for new reads and as a parent I always want to know what books to keep an eye out for in the library so whether it's children's books or adult's books I'd love for you to take part in this link up and help us all to grow our 'to be read' piles! 


Image title reads 'books we've been reading' #bwbr and is overlaid over a faded image of a colourful book case.

Anyone who knows me knows that I love to read. It's something I've always enjoyed and I think it's so important that we grow and nurture a love of reading for future generations. We are really missing our trips to the library but thankfully we have a rather hefty children's book collection and I've been making the most of our libraries online ebook loan service to keep my kindle well stocked with reading material. Here's what we've been reading this month....

All Mine Cakes By The Lake

Image title reads coeliac eating out at all mine cakes by the lake. Image to the right shows a close up image of a homemade gluten free chocolate biscuit bar slice.

All Mine Cakes By The Lake, Maythorne Lane Southwell, NG25 0RS

I wrote a post about how I'm coping with having Coeliac Disease a year on from my diagnosis and though I admit it's been emotionally challenging learning to accept gluten free life I've begun to look for the positives and I'm trying to embrace life as a coeliac foodie. A family member tagged me in one of All Mine Cakes Facebook posts and I couldn't quite believe that such a place existed. A tea room that is entirely gluten free and the best part is it's just 30 minutes away.

Living Arrows | Springing Forward

Image of a 3 yer old girl walking over a wobbly bridge in a play area. Wearing child joules floral coat, hand knitted pink cardigan and giraffe print dress. Hair in french braids. Taken at Yorkshire Wildlife Park

 'You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth' Khalil Gibran.

Spring has finally sprung in our neck of the woods, hooray! My Instagram memories has been taunting me with pictures of last April, we had the pool out, we were making ice lollies and we were outside all the time. This Spring has been anti-climatic in comparison but the weather has finally turned warmer and we can finally see family and friends without needed to take the duvet with us!

Review | The Catch by T. M Logan

image title reads review the catch by t m logan the image to the right shows the front cover of the ebook kindle edition

T. M Logan has quickly become one of my favourite authors. I came across his work by chance in the first lockdown. The library ebook lending service had barely anything available except The Holiday. I judged a book by it's cover and thought it perhaps looked a little cheesy but I couldn't have been more wrong. This is my third T. M Logan book and every one has kept me up later than I wanted reading 'just one more chapter'. Here's what I thought about The Catch.

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