Eight Detectives by Alex Pavesi
Eight Detectives by Alex Pavesi is unlike anything I've ever read before. It's a book within a book. There's a collection of individual and stand alone murder short stories collectively known as The White Murders that are interspersed throughout the main book, Eight Detectives in such a unique way. Eight Detectives focuses on publisher, Julia and the illusive and socially withdrawn author Grant as they discuss the upcoming publication of Grant's iconic work "The White Murders". As a reader we get a short story from The White Murders followed by a chapter that involves Julia interviewing Grant discussing the short story, how we wrote it and what it meant to him at the time. It's a fantastic format and not nearly as complicated as I've made it sound.
My 2nd Pregnancy - 0-20 Weeks
They say that no two pregnancies are the same and my second pregnancy has certainly proven this to be true. This is actually the fourth time I've been pregnant but due to early miscarriages this is only the second time I've made it to the second trimester. This pregnancy has been a real eye opener- if this had been my first pregnancy, it would also have been my last. It has been horrific.
Haven't They Grown by Sophie Hannah
Days Out | Sundown Adventureland
Sundown Adventureland is a theme park specifically aimed at children under 10 years of age. We visit Sundown often as we're annual pass holders. It's close to where Dan's family live, making it a perfect day out for us all. Sundown is a bit of a local treasure as it's been around for many years, my grandparents can remember visiting it when it was Pets Corner and though it's changed dramatically over the years it's still owned by the same family.
Review | Things In Jars by Jess Kidd
Books I Want To Read In 2022
At the beginning of 2021 I made a list of the books I wanted to read throughout the year and I found it really helpful having a list to guide me. It helped me avoid becoming overwhelmed by choice and helped me to read 14 out of the 17 books on the list. Throughout the year I've been taking note of any books that have piqued my interest and have therefore created a list of books I want to read this year.
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