Living Arrows | The Emotional Rollercoaster

image of a girl going down a pink and yellow inflatable slide.

  'You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth' Khalil Gibran.

This week we visited Graves Park in Sheffield and I took one look at this bouncy slide and thought 'Iris is too small for that', turns out she wasn't too small, she was actually quite a way over the height marker. I was not prepared for that! I think about the big 'next steps' all the time- her moving to primary school, her learning to read and write, school discos and after school clubs, playing out with friends and going to parties but it's the little things that really trip me up. Being tall enough for the bouncy slide, calling you mum instead of mummy, or 'Bruv' in Daddy's case (literally no idea where she's got that from!'), the way she likes her hair a certain way now, how she takes care of younger children. It's like she's grown up all of sudden.

#BWBR August 2021

Image has #BWBR Books We've Been Reading Blogger Link Up written on it alongside an image of a simple line drawing of an open book.

Welcome to August's #BWBR Books We've Been Reading Blogger Link Up!

Reading has always been a big part of our family life. I read so much as a child and my daughter appears to be following in my footsteps. Each month we aim to share the Books We've Been Reading and I thought it might be nice to have a nosey through the books that others have enjoyed. As a reader I'm always on the hunt for new reads and as a parent I always want to know what books to keep an eye out for in the library so whether it's children's books or adults books I'd love for you to take part in this link up and help us all to grow our 'to be read' piles! 

Books We've Been Reading | July 2021

Anyone who knows me knows that I love to read. It's something I've always enjoyed and I think it's so important that we grow and nurture a love of reading for future generations. We've really missed our trips to the library but thankfully it's reopened now and we get to enjoy browsing again. I'm still making the most of our libraries online ebook loan service to keep my kindle well stocked with reading material. Here's what we've been reading this month....

Living Arrows | Sweet Freedom

Image of a young girl/toddler playing on a playground and singing into a red speaker.

'You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth' Khalil Gibran.

I *think* we can safely say that Iris is glad to be out of isolation! It's been a long 10 days, you really don't realise how much kids need to get out and about until you're confined to your own house and garden- I am so appreciative that we have a garden, I couldn't imagine handling the heat of the last week without a paddling pool and some shade!

The Positives Found In A Global Pandemic.

Image of a pair of hands applying hand sanitizer alongside a title that reads personal- the positives found in a global pandemic

The Coronavirus Pandemic of 2020 has been devastating. Hundreds of thousands of people have died. We've faced danger from an unseen, unheard threat and we've had no prior knowledge to help deal with it. We've been plunged into a lockdown situation- something almost all of us have never experienced. Stripped of our jobs, support networks, family and friends our everyday routines changed beyond measure. It's been utterly terrifying but amidst all the chaos and disruption some positives have shone through and these are mine;

Living Arrows | Isolation

Image of a preschool age girl looking angry.

 'You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth' Khalil Gibran.

I think Iris's face sums up how we're all feeling about our 10 day stretch in isolation. We've done so well to get all the way through from September without the preschool bubble bursting but here we are, we made it to the last week of term without a positive case and I think that's rather impressive.

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